Our story

We facilitate local energy markets

Our mission is to set the standard for facilitating local electricity trading. We’re making it easier for parties to form local energy markets – in which energy generated locally, is consumed locally. This makes better use of the grid.

Aerial photo Solar Park Braamt

Smart energy sharing for energy communities

Energy sharing is on the rise. But what exactly is this? And what then is smart energy sharing? In this webinar, we discuss with experts what energy sharing means and how it can contribute to a more sustainable and efficient energy system.
Webinar Energy Parts
Our mission

How we work together

Our mission is to set the standard in facilitating local electricity trading. In doing so, we enable parties to consume local generation as much as possible at times when it is available locally. By facilitating the matching of generation and consumption, both geographically and in time, better use is made of the available capacity on the electricity grid. Electricity then does not have to be transported over long distances.

ENTRNCE's impact on the energy sector.

Rob van der Horst

Rob van der Horst

Director | Alliander Next Grid

"We see that ENTRNCE's role will only become more important in the coming years. From Alliander Next Grid, our goal is to grow ENTRNCE into the standard in local electricity trading for local energy markets in the Netherlands. A platform that not only contributes to solving grid congestion, but also plays an essential role in accelerating the energy transition in a cost-efficient way."

Stefan Koppers

Stefan Koppers


"We need to make smart use of existing infrastructure. We simply cannot build new cables fast enough to keep up with the pace of the energy transition. ENTRNCE makes it possible to better match supply and demand locally. By consuming electricity directly where it is generated, we make more efficient use of the existing grid.”

ENTRNCE is part of network company Alliander

Our contribution to the strategic pillars

Our experts are at your service

Want to learn more about how you can participate in local energy markets? Then contact one of our experts now.